Name: Chinese Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)
Species: Cyprinoid
Thai name: Patapiendamjeen
Biggest known fish: 75kg
Lake rod caught record: 66lb
Average weight: 40lb
Diet: Snails, pellet, bloodworm, shrimp, frog spawn, tadpoles, fish eggs.
This species is fast becoming one of the most popular species to target by guests visiting our resort. These beautiful carp species, look almost like a black grass carp. They fight hard due to their streamlined shape and bites can be lightning fast.
To target this species, concentrate your rigs tight to the margin with just a small amount of free bait. These carp feed like the European King Carp, picking up individual items. This means your rigs can be similar to what you would normally use when carp fishing in Europe. Short rigs, minimal bait – a nice little trap set and left, normally pays off.
We originally stocked a healthy number of Chinese Black Carp, with many of these now surpassing the 50lb mark. This species is ear-marked for the future so we currently have more of these thriving in our growing on stock ponds. The future looks good, most of these will be stocked into our main lake over the next three years to help boost the existing stock.